Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hump Day Happiness

Hump Day!

The first time I heard Hump Day I was in college, and I thought what in the world?  It took me a little bit to figure out the phrase was referring to the hump, as in the middle.  I still think it sounds kinda dirty, but I use it a little bit less embarrassment nowadays.  Today is not only Hump Day it is also Leap Day, and making it even more special it is the Hump Leap Day two days before spring break!

As I sit here, hardly able to wait for Friday and the sweet release of  nine days off of work, my weariness is lightened by the uniqueness of the day.

So, Happy Humpleapyear Day to you, and may it bring you joy and an awesome weekend!

1 comment:


I've been excitedly awaiting my gastric sleeve surgery and this weekend was a three day weekend. I was planning to get so much done. Boy...