Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Saga of Agent Double Gnome Seven: Part 5

Double Gnome Seven to Control--I think I may have found some strange sort of weapon...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Another Year Younger

Well,  a little over two weeks ago I turned 31.  Amazing how time flies isn't it?  I feel like I've been out high school for a couple years, but not for 13.  Hopefully, I'm a little wiser...hopefully.

On the plus side, I don't think I look much different.  People have thought I was 21 since I was 15.  I'm ok with that.
Winter 2011.

My senior pic.

I had a wonderful time celebrating for, I think, the third year in a row, with one of my favorite peeps in the world, whose b'day is the day before mine.  She is, in fact, an entire year older than me.  :)  My bday, just wouldn't be my bday without my Lins!

Another milestone, yesterday marks the one year anniversary of my Lasik eye surgery!

Hmm, what will next year bring?


I've been excitedly awaiting my gastric sleeve surgery and this weekend was a three day weekend. I was planning to get so much done. Boy...