Friday, February 5, 2016

Breath In, Breathe Out...


OK, now that I've gotten that out of the way... I'm stressing a little bit as of late, perhaps you could tell. Today marks one month home from Belarus and the longer I am home, the more I am struggling with being apart from Alex. He had a rougher time right away, but for me it has been coming on gradually.

On top of all of those emotions, it is crunch time academically. I have reached that point where I need to complete the incomplete courses from last semester, and I am also in my second week of the current semester. SO, this weekend I have to re-write one paper, write another, write a summative essay which is in place of my final exam for that class, and then do all my normal homework on top....

After that, it will be a walk in the park! I'll only have to keep up with the current semester, write a final project from my other incomplete class, and prepare for my comprehensive exam in the end of April/early May.

It's cool, I'm chill...

I know I'll make it through. I don't know how, but I will.

Going into hiding now, see you when I emerge next Monday an exhausted, frazzled, but much relieved person.

* Note the card catalog in the background! #librarianporn


I've been excitedly awaiting my gastric sleeve surgery and this weekend was a three day weekend. I was planning to get so much done. Boy...