Well hell, the world is still effed up.
This time last year I was fresh out of the hospital and recovering from blood clots. I've had some continued health issues since then, but for the most part, I'm hanging in. I have been learning a lot about myself. On the one hand, the pandemic has caused me a lot of anxiety, but on the other, I have started dealing with the anxiety and treating it, and I have realized that it is something that I have been struggling with for a loooooooong time.
A lot of times it seems like it's on step forward and three steps back with my mental health, but hey I eventually get somewhere better.
Life in general continues to be interesting. We once again have a mask mandate as CoVID numbers rise. It has been a curious process going from working at home to working in person. We are at a point right now where everyone except most of the leadership is working directly with the public, but they are telling us to limit in person meetings, including holiday parties... but...but...
In May my dad came to visit, and we drove him back home. While there we saw my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, and a few cousins. It was the first time in 3 years that I had seen dad and the grands. A lot has changed in my hometown and I feel super foreign there. It was definitely a bittwersweet trip. My grands are in their 90s and so it is very possible that it was the last time I see them. Kinda put a damper on the time there.
On the up side of life, one of my local besties had a baby girl who is totes adorbs. This weekend I had two girls nights in a row--one filled with chocolate ganache ice cream and hockey, and another with Mexican food and bitching. Lol. Both were much needed.
I have been working hard now that I can halfway function to get my space decluttered. I have also started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and am trying very hard to pay off debt.
All in all I feel like I am headed in a good direction. I'm learning how to deal with things, and trying to make my life better.
Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. Pardon me while I go look at my Xmas tree and drink some cocoa.