Monday, November 23, 2015

I've Come A Long Way Baby

I was sitting on my bed finishing my tea before going to sleep the other night and I felt a little swell of emotion. Life has been rough for awhile now, and I realized that I never cried after the MRSA or the car accident. Wow! As I sat there, I thought to myself, "self, you've come a long way."

In the past I would get so overwhelmed, even with fairly small things, but apparently I am becoming desensitized. Actually, I choose to believe I am becoming a more solid person, and someone who gets less flustered when life keeps pelting her with lemons.

I have never enjoyed being the hyper emotional person that I am, but I know that it is part of what makes me so compassionate and empathetic. I don't want to lose that, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to not be constantly falling apart.

As I sat there, I was proud of myself at how well I have handled things as of late. Instead of my world falling apart, I get mad, bitch about it, and decide that there's no point in letting it ruin my life.

Go me! I'm pretty proud of you.

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